​Highlights from Northern Star in FY24:​

  • We are our proud to report our safety performance remains well below industry average.​
  • We continued our progress towards achieving our Net Zero Ambition by 2050 through the commissioning of our Jundee & Ramone solar arrays & construction of our Jundee wind farm.​
  • We have continued focus on sustainable support of our regions and local communities, with over $6.1 million in commitments made during FY24.​
  • We have continued to develop our Indigenous relationships by proactively creating procurement opportunities for Aboriginal businesses with our Operations.​
  • We are pleased that we have maintained our rate of female employment above the industry average, recognising that more still needs to be done to grow a more diverse workforce. ​
  • We successfully promoted 840 of our people internally, providing development and growth for our people whilst also retaining their talent and knowledge in the business. ​
  • We have commenced of our Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) journey, with external and internal resources allocated and pilot region established.​
  • We have continued our alignment with GRI, and Limited and Reasonable Assurance of disclosures & data, and expanded our ESR Disclosure Suite.​

FY24 ESR Disclosure Suite​