Corporate Governance

Northern Star is committed to observing the highest standards of corporate governance.
As an Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) listed gold mining company, we are subject to, and conduct our business in accordance with the ASX Listing Rules and the laws and regulatory requirements of the Australian and US jurisdictions within which we operate.
We recognise that effective corporate governance is critical to maintaining stakeholder relations and investor confidence and are committed to 100% alignment with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s ‘Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations’.
We prioritise effective corporate governance and advancing the Company’s culture of continuous improvement.
Our principles and processes are periodically reviewed to ensure we maintain the highest standards of corporate governance. Our key policies and documents associated with our governance and related practices are set out below.
Key policies and documents
- Board Charter
- Audit and Risk Committee Charter
- Environmental, Social & Safety Committee Charter
- Nomination Committee Charter
- People and Culture Committee Charter
- Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
- Climate Change Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Continuous Disclosure Policy
- Diversity Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
- Human Rights Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Safety and Health Policy
- Securities Trading Policy
- Shareholder Communication Policy
- Stakeholder Policy
- Whistleblower Policy
EPBC2021/9026 Carosue Dam TSF Cell 4 Project
Northern Star is currently expanding the Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) at our Carosue Dam Operations with construction of the TSF Cell 4 and associated infrastructure. The TSF expansion allows for the mine life to be extended for another 10 years. The Carosue Dam Project is located approximately 110km northeast of Kalgoorlie in the Pinjin region of the Eastern Goldfields.
Below are documents related to this Project.
- Purchase Order Standard Terms and Conditions (Goods & Services)
- Purchase Order Standard Terms and Conditions (Goods & Services) (Pogo)
- Purchase Order Standard Terms and Conditions (Labour Hire)
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Supplier Insurance Requirements
- Social Media and Publicity Policy for Contractors (including Suppliers)