Our planned pathway to 2030​

We continue our journey to meet our commitment of a 35% reduction in scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 2030. Achieving this target will see a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from our baseline (1 July 2020) of 931kt CO2-e down to approximately 590 kt CO2-e.​

On our path towards our 2030 goal, our focus continues to be the transition away from self-generated and purchased diesel or gas-generated electricity, which is the biggest contributor to our scope 1 and 2 emissions.

We believe we can achieve our electricity transition goal using known and available technologies such as solar, wind and battery electric storage systems. We are progressing our projects using configurations of these three technologies as we believe they are feasible, timely, and cost effective, while still providing us with security of supply and lower overall power costs. ​

Discover more about our ​approach​