Bronzewing Operations
The Bronzewing Operations are located within the Yandal Greenstone Belt of Western Australia.
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Northern Star acquired the Bronzewing Operations in 2019, after being on care and maintenance since March 2013.
Pre-production of the Orelia open pit commenced in FY2023 as a high-grade feed source for the expanded Thunderbox mill. First Orelia open pit ore was processed during the June 2023 quarter.
The Bronzewing processing plant has a milling capacity of up to a 1.8Mtpa and is currently on care and maintenance.
Exploration activities in the Bronzewing district has continued as part of a multi-year exploration strategy to systematically screen the highly prospective Yandal greenstone belt for new gold resources. Early stage activities including field mapping and bottom of hole geochemical sampling during FY24 has improved the geological understand and interpretation of the belt, generating new targets and concepts to pursue in the future.

Mining at Bronzewing is currently centred around the Orelia open pit operation. The mine is a large conventional truck and excavator operation with total movement of approximately 30Mtpa.
Mining is completed by a mix of owner operator and contractor mining.
All ore from Orelia is trucked to the Thunderbox processing centre via a private haul road allowing for the use of large 200t capacity off-highway road trains.